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      1 首先是我們對于設備的安裝基礎的設計中存在著(zhù)一些的漏洞,幸好及時(shí)的發(fā)現,與客戶(hù)及時(shí)做出了調整。沒(méi)有帶來(lái)?yè)p失,結論是雖然平流式與渦凹氣浮機非常的相似,但是還是存在著(zhù)一定的差別。

      2 還有是設備的二氧化氯發(fā)生器的配置,我們在原有的基礎上還是配置偏小,產(chǎn)生的氣泡不能夠達到客戶(hù)的污水使用要求,公司自主生產(chǎn)的發(fā)生器滿(mǎn)足的使用要求,還是自己設計的令人放心。

      3 再是在設備的調試中還出現了這樣的問(wèn)題是,前期的氣泵沒(méi)有配備逆流閥,造成設備的使用中污水的逆流。


Matters needing attention in the streaming air flotation machine debugging:
1 first are our foundation for the installation of the equipment in the design that there are some loopholes, fortunately found in a timely manner, with the customer in a timely manner. Without damage, the conclusion is that although the flow and vortex concave air flotation machine is very similar, but there is a certain difference.
2 as well as equipment configuration of chlorine dioxide generator, we are still small configuration on the basis of the original, is not up to the bubble water requirements of the customers, the company independent production of the generator to satisfy the use requirement, or your own design of reassuring.
3 and in the debugging of equipment also appeared such problems is that of pump is not equipped with reflux valve, due to the use of the equipment in the sewage flow.
Finally there is the problem is all the equipment installed, start debugging there is such a small problem, it is no use flocculants in equipment debugging, from this point will be able to see, any simple question, it is possible to neglect, through this article can help in the use of air floatation machine equipment manufacturers. Air flotation machine in more information please visit www.wxwoma.com

我們會(huì )認真查閱您反饋的每一個(gè)問(wèn)題,并盡快給您答復,在這里您可以提出遇到的問(wèn)題,也可以發(fā)表自己的建議和想法。
